2015 Season News Archive

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Round 4 & 5 Results

The latest round of results have been posted and the table updated. With the QEII long weekend we still have an incomplete table with a couple of games outstanding. We are at the mid point of the season now, so the groups are starting to take shape

Round 5 Draw

A couple of late updates today with a postponement and a late start in division 2. The sun is shining and the ground is warming up. So best of luck to everyone playing!

Round 4 Part 2

We have the remainder of our Round 4 games going ahead this weekend. There’s a fine morning frost predicted with a sunny day to follow. As always, check the draw tomorrow morning for any last minute changes or wet weather cancellations. Best of luck to everyone playing.

Round 4

We have only 3 games going ahead this Queen’s Birthday weekend. Check the draw for the latest field changes. Best of luck to everyone playing.

Round 3 Results

After a very wet third round, the results have now been entered and the table updated. AC United have moved ahead of the Bishopdale Rovers after a convincing win over the Cherubs. Defending champions, Ox-E-Gen have broken their losing streak to put some points on the table. In

Round 3 Fields

We’ve got some more changes to the playing fields this week. Please check the draw for the latest changes. The weather doesn’t look promising so remember to check the draw after 8am tomorrow for any cancellations. Over the past couple of rounds there have been complaints from players regarding the amount of

Round 2 Results

After a marvelously sunny day and some splendid football, the round 2 results have been posted and the table updated. The Bishopdale Rovers have started the season strong with two big division 1 wins. In division 2 we have Hansarang, One Way Jesus and Sino United all putting on

Round 2 Fields

There are a number of changes to our playing fields this weekend so check the draw for the latest updates. Best of luck to everyone playing.

Round 1 Fields

Round 1 kicks off tomorrow and we have a couple of late field updates. Please check the draw for your latest playing fields. We may have wet weather for our first game of the season, so remember to check the draw after 8am tomorrow for any cancellations.

New draw online

The 2015 draw is now live. Round 1 kicks off this Saturday at 12:30pm. All games will be played at 12:30pm, with the exception of Ox-E-Gen games which are played at 2:30pm. Please ensure you’re on the pitch and ready to go on time as there are