Please complete this form to register for this years competition.

Tournament details

This years season will begin on the 3rd of May. Registrations will be open until the 14th of April.

Matches are played at 12:30pm every second Saturday over 10 rounds. The season wraps up with a seven-a-side tournament and prize-giving the weekend after the final round of the main competition. A list of fixtures will be posted on the website the weekend before we kick off. The website will also provide you and your teammates with vital information for the competition, including field locations and our rules of play.

This year the League will continue to be run by a Governance committee consisting of Matthew Button, Mitch Shaw, and Jono Scott (league coordinator).

Each team must be comprised of players from your own church, or who have a connection to your church. Teams can also be formed with players from several churches. In this situation please list the organiser’s own church as the team affiliation. There is the opportunity to invite non-church going friends to play on your team and use the league as an effective means of outreach. However, we ask that you do not abuse this opportunity. All teams should contain a significant majority of Christian players. Each team must include contact details for their relevant church Pastor or a similar authority. This season all team affiliations will be personally verified.

Churches and organizations are welcome to enter more than one team in the competition. However, team members are to remain exclusive to their individual teams. There should be no sharing of players or padding teams to make up numbers. Please ensure you have enough players for each team before you confirm your entry.

Entry fees and subs must be paid in full by the due dates. For new teams, and those with a late payment history, these fees must be paid in full prior to the start of the season. Any outstanding or unpaid fees must be paid prior to signing up for the new season. Late payment may result in suspension until the outstanding subs are received.

All players must be outfitted in shirts and shorts of the same color. Team colors should be determined before the season begins and entered on your registration form. Numbered shirts are preferred. All players are required to be registered and named.

Team organizers are the primary point of contact for their teams. They will be responsible for ensuring their team attends their scheduled matches as well as phoning in the results. They will be accountable for the conduct of their players on and off the field. They will be responsible for team accounts being paid in full by the due date and arranging trophy returns. Team organizers do not have to be an active player, but it is advisable that they attend their team’s matches. The team captain will be responsible for player conduct on the day of the match.

Each team must register a secondary contact person. They will be used only when we are unable to contact the team organizer. Contact phone numbers and email addresses will be supplied to all team organizers. All other registration information will be stored securely and will not be made available to third parties.

Team Registrations

Our subscriptions for 2025 are $450. This includes our Mainland Football and NZ Football levies, prize pool, and administration. To enter in the 2025 competition, you will need to return the completed form in full below and pay the registration deposit of $150. Entry into the competition will be confirmed on receipt of payment.

We will do our best to place teams in their desired divisions but due to low numbers discretion is used to place teams fairly. Last year’s results will be the main basis for placement. If A team struggles in a division, we can move that team part way through the season.

Registrations and deposits are due by the 14th of April 2025

This deposit is a part of the subscription, so the outstanding $300 will be due 10th May 2025.

Christchurch Interchurch Football League bank account:

Account Number: 03-0823-0037146-000

Account Name: Christchurch Interchurch Football League

Bank Name: Westpac