Round 9 / Play-offs

After nearly a month of wash outs we were greeted with the first hint of spring sunshine this weekend. The results are now in and have been posted and the table updated.

We can see there were were few surprises in the play-offs. Faith Warriors squeezed an extra point out of Hornby Firsts and Sino United thumped KCC to both put much needed points on the table. One Way Jesus proved their place at the top of the table defeating the Barbarians 7 to 4 and have now secured the 2nd division shield.

South City United 1sts beat season rivals and competition leaders Ilam Cherubs by a single goal. This gives SCU one chance to secure the cup for a 3rd year running – that chance rests on Ox-E-Gen or G-Force beating Cherubs and SCU winning their last 2 matches.

The Round 8 catch-up and 2nd play-off are scheduled for this weekend. Please check the draw Friday afternoon to ensure you have the latest update on fields.

Now would also be a good time to mention the end of season sevens tournament is scheduled to be played the week after Round 10. This will be August 21st as long as the weather holds.